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Fire drills will be completed annually during the summer months (June, July, August) and first aid drills will be completed as part of the fire drill.
Taken from and updated
Emergency Response Drill / Evacuation
- Occupancy Class: F2 Medium Hazard Industrial Occupancy
- Fire Code (NFCC) section
- expanding on the national code: Manitoba Fire Code: Regulation 155/2011
The purpose of fire drills is to ensure that the occupants and staff are totally familiar with emergency evacuation procedures, resulting in orderly evacuation with efficient use of exit facilities. The Voice Communication System should be used where available. Following each drill, all persons of delegated responsibility should attend a debriefing to report on their actions and the reactions of the occupants. Fire drills shall be held at intervals not greater than 12 months. The decision as to whether all occupants should leave the building during a fire drill will depend on the nature of the occupancy. It may be necessary to hold additional fire drills outside normal working hours for the benefit of employees on afternoon or night shifts who should be as familiar with fire drill procedures as those who work during the day.
Fire Drill Form
- Emergency Drill Coordinator:
- Date of Practice Drill:
- Type of Response Tested (check all that apply):
- Evacuation
- Fire
- First Aid
- Medical Aid
- Other
- Start Time:
- Completed:
- Evaluation:
- What went well:
- Improvements Opportunities:
- Review and Sign-off
- Director: Date:
- Member Council Safety Lead: Date:
- Comments:
- Drill Participants (list):