Usage Parameters
Template parameters[ Edit template data ]
This template prefers block formatting of parameters.
Room room
which room at North Forge
Page name required photo photo
Photo of the tool, if available
File suggested Model model
Manufacturer model name/number
String suggested Work envelope/max capacity work envelope
max capacity
max size of work, material restrictions, etc
Content suggested Link to manual link to manual
link to the manual for the tool, ideally on the manufacturer's site
URL suggested Related tools related tools
links to related tool or jig pages (ie. not just similar tools)
Content suggested Trainer(s) trainers
Semi-colon separated list of trainers
Content suggested Knowledge keeper(s) knowledge keepers
Semi-colon separated list of people who know much about the tool but are not trainers
Content suggested Training document(s) training docs
bullet list of internal or external links to training documents
Content suggested SDS document SDS link
link to portal file for this tool's SDS document
URL suggested Safe Work Procedure SWP link
link to portal file for this tool's Safe Work Procedure document
URL suggested consumables consumables
consumables specific to this machine and whether North Forge provides and/or bills for them
Content suggested other_details other_details
Other things people might want to use about this tool, e.g. where to get supplies in Winnipeg or a link to the manufatcurer's site; free content.
Content optional image_map_coordinates image_map_coordinates
coordinates for placing the tool on image map.
Content optional equipment_type equipment_type
tool or infrastructure
Content optional
Cargo Declaration
This template defines the table "tool". View table .
Expand [[{{{room}}}/Precautions | {{{room}}} Precautions]] apply
You will be working in the [[ {{{room}}} ]]. In order to keep safe from hazards created by you or other workers using any of the tools in this room, the following precautions apply in addition to any other precautions:
Instructions:Tool doesn't exist yet